
Personal Blog (Pagination, Markdown)

You can combine pagination, EJS templates, and Markdown support to add a blog to your website.

Let's say you want your blog to be under the /blog URL on your website. You may also want your blog posts to have slug URLs like /blog/my-blog-post/. Let's create the file for our post:

📄 /src/blog/my-block-post/
title: My Blog Post
description: A small post for testing purposes.
date: 2017-4-25 08:57:00 -0700
# My Blog Post

Hello! This is the first post in my new blog!

Since the blog index should be at /blog, create a file for it at blog/index.html.ejs:

📄 /src/blog/index.html.ejs
<%# The `./*/` pattern matches each individual blog post file. %>
<% const paginator = ctx.paginate(ctx.getFiles('./*/'), {itemsPerPage: 5}) %>

<%# For each blog post, show the title and description and link to the full post. %>
<% for (const file of paginator.items) { %>
  <div class="blog-post">
    <h2><a href="<%- file.url %>"><%- file.attributes.title %></a></h2>
    <p><%- file.attributes.description %></p>
<% } %>

<%# Show a list of page links at the bottom of the listing. %>
  <% for (const page of paginator.pages) { %>
    <a class="page-number" href="<%- page.url %>"><%- page.number %></a>
  <% } %>

This will create a page at /blog that lists all of our blog posts in pages of 5 posts each, with links to each page at the bottom. If you add 5 more test posts, you will see a second page added to the listing.

However, the order of the posts may be random. You can solve this by using the date field in each blog post and passing extra arguments to ctx.getFiles telling it to sort by date:

📄 /src/blog/index.html.ejs
  const paginator = ctx.paginate(
    ctx.getFiles('./*/', {
      sort: {
        attribute: 'date',
        type: 'date',
        order: 'desc',
    {itemsPerPage: 5},

This causes ctx.getFiles to return your blog post files sorted by the date attribute in their YAML frontmatter, in descending (i.e. most recent first) order.

If you wanted the blog post listing to include the full blog posts instead of their descriptions, you could replace the description with the ctx.renderMarkdown helper and pass it the un-rendered Markdown of the post:

📄 /src/blog/index.html.ejs
<% for (const file of paginator.items) { %>
  <div class="blog-post">
    <%- ctx.renderMarkdown(file.body) %>
<% } %>